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Billie was told she would die if she did not have the surgery (Collect/PA Real Life)

Billie now has a stoma bag

Billie is now urging people not to ignore symptoms such as blood in their stool and frequent trips to the toilet

  • 反复出现的腹泻,可能会导致腹泻含血、粘液或脓
  • 肚子疼痛
  • 需要经常大便

  • 关节疼痛和肿胀(关节炎)
  • 口腔溃疡
  • 皮肤下肿胀的脂肪引起肿块和斑块——这被称为结节性红斑
  • 恼怒和红眼
  • 骨骼问题,如骨质疏松症

Billie had her large intestine removed and a stoma bag fitted in January 2018
