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太疯狂了(young怎么读youngest)Young Learner的价值观和情感发展培养


教Young Learner的乐趣之一是他们对学习的开放态度,他们的思想是易受外界影响的孩子们并不是生来就有一套预先设定好的价值观:他们首先从家庭中学习,然后从下一个环境中学习:学校在学习的过程中,我们使用的材料,我们选择的活动,以及我们自己的行为和态度都是塑造Young Learner的模板。

本文将用四个来自Cambridge ELT 全新教材:Kids Box New Generation !中的例子来全面剖析我们如何将价值观和情感发展融入小学课堂,帮助我们的Young Learner在学校和生活中成为最好的自己。

“We have a responsibility as teachers and publishers to think about possible correctives to the dishonesty and intolerance we see all around us. We need to find ways to meaningfully integrate in our lessons the values we want to see reflected in the world.”

HIRD, 2016The inclusion of emotional development in education is vital to supporting our learners’ success, both in school and in life. Identifying and understanding their own and others’ emotions, managing emotions and developing empathy and relationship skills are key areas of emotional development. These help learners to adapt to changing situations, become more resilient, and build and maintain positive relationships. 

“The evidence is clear: social and emotional skills, habits, and mindsets can set students up for academic and life success.”

MELNICK & MARTINEZ, 2019)Intrinsic to emotional development is exploring and understanding values – such as working together, being kind to others and caring for nature. Imagine a world without social and moral values! Developing positive values helps our learners to build successful relationships with others and become conscious, caring global citizens.

Values in picturesUsing images is a great way to engage young learners with talking about and exploring values. Begin by showing learners an image (such as one of these below from 

Kids Box New Generation Level 1) and asking them to look at the people in the picture. Ask Are they happy or sad?

 and elicit reasons.

Talk to the class about the values in the pictures: it’s good to make friends; it’s good to talk to someone who looks lonely and include them in your game. Finally, have learners act out what’s happening in the pictures to practise the value.

How are you?This activity helps learners to identify and reflect on their own emotions, as well as showing interest and care for the feelings of others by asking about how they’re feeling.  Write ‘How are you?’ on the board and draw three faces: one happy, one neutral and one sad.

Elicit or teach an appropriate answer for each of the faces:happy face = I’m fine, thank youneutral face = 

I’m OK, thank yousad face = I’m not very wellWrite the answers on the board under the appropriate faces and have learners practise answering for each face. At the end of each lesson, encourage learners to walk around the room and ask their classmates 

How are you? before they leave. Mime and guessTalk to the class about the value you want to explore, e.g. looking after nature. Ask questions about how learners feel about the value, for example: 

Are you happy or sad see a dirty place / plant a tree or some flowers / recycle? Talk about the importance of the value.

Show learners some photos of people demonstrating the value. These examples from Kids Box New Generation Level 1 

show people looking after nature.

Elicit from learners what’s happening in each of the pictures (picking up rubbish; planting a tree; recycling) and practise saying the phrases. Next, mime doing one of the things in the photos (e.g. scrunching up a plastic bottle and putting it in a recycling bin) and ask learners to tell you the action (recycling). Invite a learner to mime one of the actions in the photos for the class, while the others guess the action. Finally, put learners into pairs to mime and say the actions.

Values quizQuizzes are a great way to help learners think about and explore choices they can make in relation to their own behaviours. Think about the value you want to explore, and write some multiple-choice questions for learners to answer. Here are some examples from 

Kids Box New Generation Level 5 that help learners to value telling the truth without hurting people’s feelings:

once learners have answered the questions, have them compare their choices with a partner.  Encourage them to give reasons for their answers and hold a class discussion about why the value is important.


TAG: sdf
