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草根组织“妈妈要求行动”(Moms Demand Action)的创始人香农·沃茨(Shannon Watts)在10月25日的X网站上发表了这一观点。






购买Sudafed的规定很严格,因为它的一种前体化学物质可用于制造危险药物甲基苯丙胺。2005年的联邦《打击甲基安非他命流行病法案》(Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act)对含有伪麻黄碱等成分的药物实施了新的规定,伪麻黄碱是苏达菲的原料。













不过,行业组织国家射击运动基金会(National Shooting Sports Foundation)公共事务主管马克·奥利瓦(Mark Oliva)说,从其他方面来看,从有执照的经销商那里购买枪支比购买Sudafed要复杂得多。

It requires filling out Form 4473 from the ATF, in which prospective purchasers must attest that they are not prohibited from purchasing guns. Purchasers cannot buy a gun unless they are the intended recipient of the firearm, are not a convicted felon, a fugitive, dishonorably discharged from the U.S. military or are involuntarily committed to a mental health treatment. The completed forms must be kept permanently, including transferring them to the ATF if the seller goes out of business.

Also, the purchaser must pass a screening by the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS. about 90% of these checks are instantly approved, and the rest are typically completed within three days.

Although some critics say that the data in the background check system isn’t as complete as it could be, it is still a more stringent process than the one needed to buy Sudafed.

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Finally, there are restrictions on who can buy each product.

One is age. Under federal law, you must be 18 to buy a shotgun or a rifle and 21 to buy a handgun. (States can choose to set higher age minimums.) Maine has not set a minimum age for purchasing Sudafed, unlike such states as Alabama, Arkansas and Ohio, which have set the minimum age at 18.

Maine law specifically bars two other categories of potential gun purchasers: people convicted of assault or other violent misdemeanors, and convicted domestic abusers. People in those categories would be able to purchase Sudafed.

Buying from unlicensed gun dealers is easier

Where people who support tougher gun laws have a point are on purchases that do not involve a federally licensed dealer.

Federal law specifically rules out a required license if a person "makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms."

This can sometimes be a fuzzy distinction, but it means many gun sellers do not need a license. And if they don’t have a license, the laws for federally licensed sellers don’t apply to their sales.

Gun shows can include licensed dealers or private sellers. The licensed sellers need to run a background check on buyers; the unlicensed sellers don’t.

In Maine, "individuals who would otherwise be blocked from purchasing a weapon can go to a private seller and purchase a weapon, no questions asked," said Chris Harris, vice president for communications for Giffords, a group that lobbies for tougher gun laws. "This is the classic 'gun show loophole’."

The bottom line, Harris said, is that in Maine, "there is nothing to stop someone from buying a gun without so much as showing an ID, let alone going through a background check. That same person could not find a place to buy Sudafed without showing an ID."

PolitiFact ruling

Half-true on the PolitiFact meter

Watts said, "It is harder to buy Sudafed than an AR-15 in Maine."

It depends on the context.

In most ways, the process for buying a gun from a federally licensed dealer under federal and Maine law is more stringent than federal and state laws governing the purchase of Sudafed. The gun purchase requires attesting to the buyer’s legal ability to buy a gun on a federal form, as well as passing an instant background check. Also, many people with criminal convictions cannot buy a gun but can buy Sudafed.

However, if someone chooses to purchase a gun from an unlicensed seller, the process will likely be more stringent for buying Sudafed.
